Monday, April 18, 2016

Falling. One Too Many Times.

About a month ago I started to experience pain in both my knees.** It varied, one day the left one would hurt and the next day it would be the right one. I went to see a doctor about it, but the only person available that day was a PA. Nothing against PAs but I came out of the room with very little as far as understanding what was wrong or fixing what I thought to be a problem. She said some knees just make a “clicking/popping” sound naturally so I shouldn’t worry.

March came and went and the pain has persisted. Sure, I’ve continued working out and skating at the same crazy rate that I have been for the last few months. So, if rest could have helped...I sure haven’t let it. I met with my real doctor today and a problem definitely exists, why else would she have ordered an x-ray and MRI on the spot? This shall be fun. I’m supposed to keep from exercising my legs for at least one week, but preferably two. And while she didn’t say it outright, I am pretty sure that includes skating too. Do you hear that? That was the sound of my heart breaking.

I’m not sure how this is going to work. I am trying to come to terms with it, but it’s going to be difficult. I am already experiencing skating withdrawals and I skated yesterday. On the one hand, learn to skate is cancelled for two weeks for a hockey tournament so I won’t be missing any official classes. On the other hand I do have a private lesson scheduled for this Saturday and if I cancel it I won’t have a lesson for two weeks because my coach is going out of town. Decisions. Decisions.

There’s also this whole no exercising thing. What am I supposed to do, not go to the gym that I’m paying $70 a month for? Half a month of not exercising is $35 down the drain. Another way of looking at it is saving myself from having surgery in the future if I don’t take it down a notch or two.

On top of all of this I have my first competition is the first weekend in June. If I manage to stay off the ice for two weeks I will only have one month to choreograph and learn a program. ARGH!

** If this is your first time reading my blog I am having all this knee pain because I am constantly falling on my knees while skating. Every time I fall on my knees they usually take the impact from the fall. Like all my body weight is thrown onto that one spot on my knee. I fall on my knees while doing crossovers most of the time because I hit my toe pick on the regs. Last week I took a hard fall while stepping forward from doing backwards crossovers. If only I was being a little more careful I would have stepped properly but I was so caught up in the music I was listening to and not my foot work. #skaterprobs

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