Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Crappy Ending to A Great Skating Week :(

My sixth day in a row on the ice, 12 hours total. It’s like spring break all over again! A couple weeks ago I saw my general physician about the knee pain I was having due to the constant falling on ice and she basically told me to give it a rest. So, I stayed off the ice for 6 days and rested/iced my knee constantly. I got back on the ice with more ease and confidence ready to take on the world last Friday evening. I continued skating every day for a few hours until today. I got to the rink, skated beautifully during adult skate. I ran through my program several times, then broke it up into smaller pieces to work on elements. By the end of adult open skate, many people had gotten off the ice so I decided to just have some fun and ice dance to my current favorite song, "She", by Zayn. I was having a blast dancing along to it, I even found myself doing a new move, backwards power pulls (do those actually exist, because they are easier than forward power pulls). The zamboni came on to to the ice so it was time to get off. Luckily for me, there was another public session following adult open skate.

A few days ago I got really lucky and had the ice to myself during public skate. Today, there were four hockey players getting on to the ice and well, me. I knew that this session was going to end badly. While the zamboni was doing its thing I had a nice conversation with one of the other adult figure skaters at the rink. I’d seen her before and tried to be pleasant by greeting her but she seemed quiet. Today, she struck up a conversation with me! It was nice, we discussed our skating experiences. The conversation went as it always does.

Her: "What got you into long have you been doing it?"

Me: “Oh, around December I graduated from college and got really bored so I thought I’d come to the rink and skate. I was really bad at first, holding on to the wall but kept coming anyways. One of the other adult skaters convinced me to take an LTS class but I thought I was too old…”

Her: “Too old? I didn’t start skating until I was 40, I’ve been skating for 15 years. You are progressing so quickly and you have so much ahead of you.”

Me: “I really want to compete with other adult skaters, but I just don’t know if I’ll be able to”

Her: “If you want to seriously compete you need to skate between 4-5 hours a week.”

Me: “I usually skate between 8-9 hours a week, but I injured myself recently and I’ve had to limit my time”

Her: “Oh no, what happened?”

Me: “I hurt my knees from falling on them so many times”

Her: “You should wear knee pads”

Me: “I usually do, but I’ve been wearing a brace on my left knee”

Her: “You should still wear padding, double up”

Me: “I know that I need to…”

Her: “Well, I have to head out, I’ll see you later. Have a great day!”

Me: “Thanks, same to you!”

I literally had the same exact conversation with Anne (the other regular adult skater at the rink yesterday). Well, back to skating...I got on the ice with just my knee brace on the left leg knowing that it was going to end badly. Me and a few hockey players...they were sure to ruin the ice. I fell within the first 10 minutes on my right knee doing a crossover, arghh!!

After doing my program a couple times and working on my spins and mohawks I thought I should begin working on my backwards consecutive edges. As I was skating over I was looking down at the ice, it was already cut up by the hockey players, shocker. I thought I’d give them a try anyways. Before I made it to the end of the line I found myself on the ground again (thank you rut in the ice), on my left knee, in the same spot that I had been falling on for the last month. I held my breath, holding back the tears and I tried to get up but I couldn’t. Damn. I can’t get up. I tried harder and was able to just barely skate myself to the side where my stuff was. I had never felt this kind of pain before. It was miserable. For the first time in 3.5 months I was getting off the ice because I was injured. I limped my way off the ice, took my skates off and limped myself to the front desk for some ice. Then I drove my sorry butt home with the ice on my knee.

No more skating for one week. I just can’t. I need to let my knee heal and that means ice and rest. I can’t keep doing this to myself. I just can’t. **Insert tears of pain and sadness here**

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Do I Need A Secondary Skating Rink?

I didn’t think I’d be doing this so soon, but I am looking at a secondary rink to skate at. I love my home rink, the Onyx, but I am getting kind of sick of seeing the same people over and over again. It is also too far from work, so if I get a half day job it doesn’t make sense for me to drive out there to skate a half hour.

I visited a rink in Royal Oak yesterday evening and it was okay. It’s a small rink and after talking to the workers for a bit I quickly noticed that they have a very small tight knit skating community. It also seems as if they have a decent sized adult skating community in their skating club, more than that in Rochester. I figured I would give it a try a few times, it couldn’t hurt right? Plus, if I end up working near there next year I could set up some contract ice time before work. I picked up a learn to skate flyer on my way out. They have a Thursday night adult class that begins next week. If I signed up for this class I would meet some other adult skaters and I would ultimately get to skate Wednesday-Sunday (week breakdown below) every week without a work conflict!

You guys know me pretty well by now if you’ve been keeping up with this blog. Ice time is precious time and I will take what I can get. If I sign up for this class I can stop skating during the day while I should be focused on other priorities and just skate in the evenings.

Now unfortunately I need to seriously start considering my finances and how much I am spending on this sport. I am literally dropping hundreds every month on private lessons, group lessons, competitions, the gym membership, and skate gear. If I sign up for this class it’s almost another $100 for an extra night to skate every week. Gahh!

I have until next Thursday to make up my mind, I should know by then if I want to make this jump. I know I need the extra practice time, especially with my first competition coming up. I just don’t know if it’s feasible.

Skating Breakdown -
Wednesday Evening - Adult Class at Onyx (1.5-2 hours)
Thursday Evening - Adult Class at Royal Oak (1.5 hours)
Friday Evening - Private Lesson at Onyx (1.5-2 hours)
Saturday - Open Skate (1.5 hours)
Sunday - Open Skate (1.5 hours)

Monday, April 25, 2016

Got Luck?

I had one of my best skating days today. It was absolutely incredible! I got to the rink fairly early to get my very first hour of contract ice and it was empty. I literally had the ice to myself for an hour! As soon as I saw my coaches sitting outside an empty rink my face lit up. I did a quick warm up and got onto the ice with Coach T.

We worked on my program and a few other moves before she had to leave. Wait...what was that...did you just mention a program? Why yes. Yes I did. My very first program is in place. I am skating to “All of Me” by John Legend (ft. Lindsey Stirling). It is a simple program, I am skating at adult level 5. Right now I am working on skills at a much higher level (toe loops, consecutive edges, consecutive 3 turns, waltz jumps, etc.) , but this is the best level for me to compete according to my coach. Oh how I would have loved to compete at level 6 where I can do a lunge or spiral in my program, but I digress. If I do well in this competition, I might have some luck convincing her that I can compete at a higher level next time.

I decided to stay for adult open skate, because there were only a couple other skaters. I didn’t get as much as I wanted done during practice since Anne was there “watching” me again and I didn’t feel so hot about that, but I ran through my program a few times and practiced several moves (3 turns, consecutive edges, mohawks, waltz jumps, and crossovers). Adult open skate ended and I walked out of the rink to find no one else getting on for public skate. My heart did a little jump and my face lit up again. Could I really get this lucky two times in one day? I wasn’t planning on staying for public open skate, but an empty rink. That would be a waste! Ice time is precious time.

I said goodbye to the other adult skaters, got on to an empty rink, and plugged in my iPhone to my program music. I ran through it about 15x before moving on to other things but boy did I fall in love with it. This morning I could barely remember the sequence of the program, by the end of my session I had gotten my figure 8 crossovers to the speed I need them to be to follow the song lyrics and because I sped them up I was able to add a few moves that feel comfortable to me. My coach put this program together for me and while I greatly appreciate that, I also felt like it wasn’t all “me”. I wanted to add steps and arm movements that felt natural to me but I couldn’t do it when we first began because I needed to get the footwork down first. What I can’t believe is that the second day that I have worked on this program is when I’ve gotten the footwork down and have begun this process of making the program more of my own.

I can’t wait to perform this at my first competition in June. My goal is to have this program clean by mid-May (that gives me two weeks) so that I won’t hiccup (aka fall on my butt) during the competition. “Don’t practice until you get it right, practice until you can’t get it wrong” that is how I am approaching my competition. Whether or not I end up competing against someone else, I will rock it!

I got off the ice feeling confident and satisfied in my work. After 4.5 hours on the ice I was starving and needed food immediately. I didn’t realize until I got home and laid down for an hour before work, that I also needed a great deal of sleep too. My body was so sore. 4.5 hours of ice skating is the same as working out for 4.5 hours. I don’t know why I don’t realize this when I am on the ice.

Until tomorrow friends! I have my first official private lesson on contract ice with Coach C (my soon to be official USFSA coach).

Saturday, April 23, 2016


I had another private lesson with my favorite coach today! Gosh, I know everyone says they have the best coach, but my coach is THE BEST. With that being said, I didn’t give it my all today. I warmed up and felt awesome before getting on the ice. My coach mentioned in passing recently that I was “timid” and “stiff” on the ice. It hadn’t occurred to me before, but it definitely made sense. Since that moment, when I’m off the ice, I think to myself about how my attitude needs to change. I try to loosen my muscles while I am skating, but fear is holding me back.

Today, before getting on the ice I told my coach that I was going to give it my all. I’m going to try to break free from being timid and fearful. I tried to change my mentality but it just doesn’t translate when I’m on the ice. I know that I need to let go of that fear. When my coach tells me to do a one foot spin I just need to do it, without giving her the “I’m afraid” or “please no” look. Yet, I gave her these looks with the spins and toe loops today. Every single time I get ready to do a toe loop I freak myself out or I don’t actually jump. It scares me half to death. She tried to sympathize with me by telling me that she is also scared when trying new things, but doesn’t let it show. Unfortunately for me, you can read all my emotions on my face at any given time.

I’m not quite sure how I am going to let go of the fear. I feel like when kids are learning to skate they can just imitate what their coach shows them, but when adults learn they know the possible outcomes...and that impacts their performance. Adults also need to know the breakdown of the moves, step by step. Understanding where weight needs to be in the boot and such. I don’t think any other sport will make you more aware of your body than figure skating.

“Check your shoulder”
“Your boot needs to touch your other ankle before moving forward”
“Make sure your weight is on your pinky toes”
“Transfer your weight from your left leg to your right leg”
“Bend your knees….more...more….now hold...hold….hold”
“Lift your toes”

In the next month I am going to make it my goal to work on overcoming fear. Sure, I am going to work on learning more moves, jumps, and spins...but the only way I will truly progress is if I overcome it.

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Week Ruined

I haven’t been to the gym in days.

I haven’t been skating since Sunday.

My knee hurts constantly.

I feel like crap.

I think that fall that I took on Friday really might have hurt me. I mean I’ve been falling over and over again on basically the same spot and my body has been sore after, but not like this. I think I might have actually hurt myself this time. There is constant pain. It doesn’t just come and go.

I need to go skating and I feel like I need to work out, but I can’t bring myself to do either. Not skating isn’t really a choice since I am working all week, but not working out - that comes from my knee pain which is keeping me from the gym. I tell myself daily to just go and work on my core or arms but when I head up to change I end up on my bed sleeping at like 8 every night.

This is my biggest nightmare. Not being able to skate because of injury. And everytime I go online to read up on knee problems and figure skating I end up getting angry and turning off my computer. Results are anything from staying off the ice for weeks to surgery with up to five months of recovery time….that is longer than the time period that I have been skating!


Monday, April 18, 2016

Falling. One Too Many Times.

About a month ago I started to experience pain in both my knees.** It varied, one day the left one would hurt and the next day it would be the right one. I went to see a doctor about it, but the only person available that day was a PA. Nothing against PAs but I came out of the room with very little as far as understanding what was wrong or fixing what I thought to be a problem. She said some knees just make a “clicking/popping” sound naturally so I shouldn’t worry.

March came and went and the pain has persisted. Sure, I’ve continued working out and skating at the same crazy rate that I have been for the last few months. So, if rest could have helped...I sure haven’t let it. I met with my real doctor today and a problem definitely exists, why else would she have ordered an x-ray and MRI on the spot? This shall be fun. I’m supposed to keep from exercising my legs for at least one week, but preferably two. And while she didn’t say it outright, I am pretty sure that includes skating too. Do you hear that? That was the sound of my heart breaking.

I’m not sure how this is going to work. I am trying to come to terms with it, but it’s going to be difficult. I am already experiencing skating withdrawals and I skated yesterday. On the one hand, learn to skate is cancelled for two weeks for a hockey tournament so I won’t be missing any official classes. On the other hand I do have a private lesson scheduled for this Saturday and if I cancel it I won’t have a lesson for two weeks because my coach is going out of town. Decisions. Decisions.

There’s also this whole no exercising thing. What am I supposed to do, not go to the gym that I’m paying $70 a month for? Half a month of not exercising is $35 down the drain. Another way of looking at it is saving myself from having surgery in the future if I don’t take it down a notch or two.

On top of all of this I have my first competition is the first weekend in June. If I manage to stay off the ice for two weeks I will only have one month to choreograph and learn a program. ARGH!

** If this is your first time reading my blog I am having all this knee pain because I am constantly falling on my knees while skating. Every time I fall on my knees they usually take the impact from the fall. Like all my body weight is thrown onto that one spot on my knee. I fall on my knees while doing crossovers most of the time because I hit my toe pick on the regs. Last week I took a hard fall while stepping forward from doing backwards crossovers. If only I was being a little more careful I would have stepped properly but I was so caught up in the music I was listening to and not my foot work. #skaterprobs

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Competition Dress. Already?

I purchased my first competition dress today! Almost all adult figure skaters can empathize with me on this one, finding an adult skating dress is difficult. They are tiny. They are expensive. Most of the designs are either too childish or too ugly. And buying online is a nightmare waiting to happen. I got ridiculously lucky on this one.

When buying my skates a month ago at the Detroit Skating Club I noticed that they had a used dress and skates sale coming up in April. I didn’t think much of it at the time because I didn’t think I’d be competing anytime soon, but when my coach told me I was ready I started shopping for competition dresses online. I didn’t like much of what I was finding and every dress was $150 or more. There was no way I was dropping that much on a dress I hadn’t tried on and fallen in love with, especially since this is a basic skills competition (nothing major...yet). I was beginning to think that I was out of luck until I remembered that the sale was taking place at the DSC.

I got up early on Saturday and headed to the rink to look at the dresses. I went thinking that there was about a 10% chance of me finding something that fit and a 2% chance that I would actually like it. But boy was I wrong. When I asked if they had any adult dresses the woman said they had a ton (this was an overstatement, because there was about half a rack) but nevertheless there were options.

When I began looking at the dresses I knew I wouldn’t find anything. The “larges” looked like x-smalls, there was no way I was going to squeeze into one of those tiny things. After expressing this to the woman who showed me the dresses, she said that her daughter had a similar figure and fit into several small sizes, so I should just give them a try.

I grabbed a few that I thought didn’t look horrible and headed to the room to try them on. Saying that I was shocked that they fit would be an understatement. A couple “smalls” fit and a couple “larges” fit. So, I am not exactly sure if there is a standard sizing system with these things, but I was happy that I had some options. After sending some pictures to my coach and friends, they helped me to decide on one of the dresses.

I never thought I’d be able to squeeze into one of these tiny things. I didn’t think I would find anything decent. I didn’t think I’d find anything cheap. That’s a lot of negativity, but I mean come on. A girl who was a size 14 in a little skating competition dress. Yeah right. Losing weight definitely helped the situation, but even at a size 8  now I didn’t think I’d find anything. Figure skaters are tiny and strong. I am not….yet.

So, overall I am really glad I found a competition dress that I’ve fallen in love with. I got it at a great price and I am looking forward to competing in it come June. And of course, I cannot wait to take pictures in it. I have some of me in the dress now, but I kind of want to treat it like a wedding dress. No one will see it until my competition. Muwahahaha (my awful evil laugh).

Friday, April 15, 2016

Daily Skating Thoughts

  1. I haven’t been skating since….
  2. Why can’t I just be at the rink everyday?
  3. I need to go to the gym
  4. Gosh, I can’t eat that
  5. What can I add to my program?
  6. I wish I could have crossovers down by now
  7. I want another lesson
  8. I’m hungry
  9. My knee hurts
  10. Why can’t I just join the skating club in April? I need ice time!
  11. If I am an hour late to that event I can squeeze in a public session...but then I’ll be tired...but skating.
  12. Well if I can’t be on the ice I can…
    1. Read adult skating blogs
    2. Watch skating programs on YouTube
    3. Read about figure skater nutrition and exercise
    4. Visualize my program in my head
    5. Study skating curriculum guides
    6. Re-read my skating journal (for the 10th time)
    7. Write a blog post
    8. Pin to my figure skating pinterest board
    9. Shop for a skating dress/apparel online

And this is why I don't get anything done.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Ice Time is Precious

Today I made the decision to sign up for another Learn to Skate class in addition to my Friday private lessons. After spending more than  20 hours on the ice last week (4 of which were lesson hours) , I can’t help but think that an hour lesson per week is not sufficient. Every moment I have on the ice is precious.

Since I was considering the edge program, I had the opportunity to warm up with them. I basically went to show the adult instructor my practice book, but she had me put it down so that she could see where I was, haha! Too bad forward crossovers are my worst enemy. I am so glad I didn’t make a fool of myself. Had I not skated earlier in the day, I would have failed miserably.  They started with forward crossovers, turn on an outside 3, backwards crossovers, step forward, then forward crossovers in the other direction to backwards crossovers. I definitely got a little workout from it, they go fast! Finally they did a couple lunges and headed to their separate classes.

The big decision came moments later, I needed to decide between the edge program or the adult evening class. After speaking with the new adult instructor I decided to go with the adult class for a couple reasons. For one, I really don’t know how I feel about learning to skate with children. Also, the adult class doesn’t have as many students and two others are at approximately the same level as me so I can get stuff done.

Unfortunately, after the adult class I realized that it’s really just going to be an opportunity for me to practice skills I know. Group sessions have become expensive practice sessions for me. I am not quite sure how long I’ll afford this, but for now it’s okay since I work most days and cannot make it to public ice.

I didn’t learn anything new today, but my skills got better! We started off with stroking and crossovers on the ends, then we did forward and backwards crossovers. While doing the forward crossovers I learned that in order to keep my body in control I need to be looking in the center of the circle. Then for backwards crossovers, in order to keep my arm and shoulders in control I need to be looking back. This was new for me, so I do feel like the class was helpful. Next we worked on power 3’s which I desperately needed to practice and finally I suggested we work on mohawk crosses. After showing them to Coach D, she told me that my mohawks were wrong, I was making them to curvy and big. Once I made them smaller, they were a lot easier to control down the line.

Overall, I think it was a really great idea to add the Wednesday evening class. I think if my Friday private lessons were the only ones I would die a little inside...and on the ice. My Friday lessons don’t have practice ice before so I am fresh when working with my coach and for me that means inconsistency. It is definitely difficult to work on new skills a minute after stepping on the ice, but I digress. I’ll get through this session. Summer is almost here and then I will hopefully be able to skate my little heart out everyday.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016


I managed to finish work an hour early today so of course I sped over to the closest skating rink to get in a half hour of skating before the public session ended. It was mediocre. I hate the ice at this rink, but it’s okay for a quick skate if I absolutely need one. And today was one of those days that I felt I absolutely needed to get on the ice. I felt so empty in the last couple days because I haven’t been on the ice.

I got to the rink and immediately headed to the bathroom to change and get my knee pads on. Then I ran over to the front desk to pay, quickly got my skates on, and hopped on to the crappy sheet of ice (my home rink ice is so much better!). It was the second worst practice I’ve ever had (the first was new skates day). I couldn’t hold an edge, I felt like I could barely skate, as if I was getting on the ice in like the third week of this skating endeavor. I could stroke, but I felt miserable. I didn’t speed over to the rink today so that I could have a crappy practice. On the bright side there was only one other person on the ice, so I could move around and work on different skills without watching for people bumping into me.

It just occurred to me that one of the reasons I was so lost today was largely due to the fact that I didn’t warm up. Last week I got to the rink an hour before open skate. I would run laps around the rink, I would run up and down the stairs in the stadium, and I would do ballet stretches in the off ice room. Since I began warming up rigorously before getting on the ice I started to progress and learn new skills fairly quickly. I need not be disappointed about today. I love the fact that I got some practice time.

After getting off the ice, the other gentlemen that was on the ice stopped to ask about what I was writing in my notebook. Then he pulled out his own to show me that he does the same thing for golf, he writes down his experiences and tips/tricks in this tiny notebook. We talked for a while, I feel like he was sent to me from above because after that practice I was not in the greatest mood. He seemed to lift me out of my rut and wished me luck as we headed out.

Today was meh. Tomorrow is a three hour ice day. I will get back to where I was, I just know it! Plus, I worked on cutting my music for the program I am doing in June. If it’s ready to burn, I’ll get to start putting my program together tomorrow. Get excited! Woot!

I Just Want To Skate All The Time

I haven’t been on the ice since Saturday. I am dying inside. That is all.

Monday, April 11, 2016

Skating Withdrawals

20 hours of skating last week may have done more mental harm than good, yikes! I am having skating withdrawals. I feel like a part of me is missing. Yesterday I could have gone skating in the afternoon, but I chose to hang out with my friends knowing that I wouldn’t be able to skate again until Friday. I had a great time with them, but open skate starts in a half hour and I am longing to be there.

I woke up an hour before I had to, on a Monday morning, the day after spring break no less; and all I could think about was getting back on the ice so I started brainstorming. I would do anything at this point for more ice time, but all the available ice time is during my work day. It’s far too late  in the season for me to join the skating club for afternoon drop in sessions (which are all to expensive anyways at $14 an hour!). I could join the adult skating class on Wednesday evenings, but that only guarantees me one extra hour a week. Plus, there’s a new coach in that class and I don’t know how I feel about having another coach instructing me. I have gotten really close to Coach T and I am used to Coach C’s methods. If I have learned anything in these last few months, it is that every single coach instructs differently! It could be a nice addition to my skating schedule, it won’t hurt my finances too much, and this coach could very well be a great coach...but there’s an even better option!

The edge program at the Onyx is for skaters who have passed basic 1-5 and are looking to learn more advanced figure skating skills without having to join the skating club. Coach T said that I have met the level, but I am not quite sure how I feel about joining before the summer. This program has many positives and only a couple negatives so I will start with those. I am worried about joining edge because I would be in a class with children. There are skaters in edge as young as 4 and 5 years old. There are some older students, but I would still feel like a giant next to them. Compared to the adults in my previous classes, I have learned relatively quickly, but I am about to be the tortoise in edge. Edge is also more expensive than the regular classes that I’ve been taking, even more than my private lessons, but for good reason. If I join edge I would have class instruction time, regular practice time, two additional practice sessions (on LTS ice) per week, and 20 minutes of off ice training (which I so desperately need). That would mean that I could skate on Wednesday evening, Friday evening, and Saturday morning. My skating time would triple, for a little extra moola ($$) that is!

I need a decision to be made by Wednesday, because that is the next edge class. I’ve already missed one week that I’ll have to make up, but I can only make up one class per session. I’m excited to say the least, because either way I’m going to end up with at least an hour of extra skate time per week in addition to my weekend public sessions.

Friday, April 8, 2016

Am I Insane?

The question I asked myself all week long. Why in the world did I think that committing to a 5 hour exercise schedule 5 days in a row would be possible? Am I insane? Surely, I am not normal. Normal people don’t spend their entire spring break working their butt off, but I did.

Spring break boot camp did not go as planned, obviously. I was not physically capable of doing that much activity daily. However, I still think that I was very successful. My skills on the ice have improved and I have lost a few pounds in just about 10 days.

So my original plan for spring break was an hour at the gym in the morning, then a one hour break, warm-up/off ice training for a half hour, ice time for three hours, go home nap and eat dinner, then get back to the gym for another hour of workout or yoga. That worked for about 1.5 days, by Tuesday afternoon I was already done with the whole gym and ice thing. My week looked a little more like this: wake up, yoga at home, breakfast, off-ice training for a half hour (stretching, jumping, running laps around the rink, and stairs on the stadium), ice time for 3 hours (4 on Friday) then nap, eat, sleep, and repeat. Still exhausting, just not as bad as I had originally intended.

One other goal of this week was to stick to my diet religiously. This worked pretty well throughout the week, I have pictures to prove it (haha!). I gave it up Friday at 8pm unfortunately. The last day of boot camp was by far the hardest day, I pushed myself like I’ve never pushed myself before. 4 hours of ice time total and a full hour of off ice training (half hour before each session). I was at the rink all day on Friday, I arrived at 9:15 and left at 5:15. I had brought snacks for the day, but I got home starving and was too tired to make anything to eat. I just barely made it to my bed before I crashed and slept until 8, when the decision was made to order pizza. Yes, I ordered pizza on health nut week. I needed a quick pick me up and it felt like the closest, easiest, and quickest option. Two slices later and I found myself in bed for the night. Exhaustion does not accurately describe how I was feeling.

Friday, April 1, 2016

Official Progress Report - April

A month has come and gone which means it is time for me to update you all on my official progress. Even with the new skates, I have learned a lot this month! On the documents, highlighted means I’ve learned the move, highlighted with a dot means I learned the move in the last month (and probably need a lot of practice doing it), circled in blue means it is something I want to learn next month. As you can see, everything left on both curriculum guides is what I want to learn. So hopefully, by May I will have completed the Basic Skills and Adult Basic Skills Curriculum.