Friday, April 8, 2016

Am I Insane?

The question I asked myself all week long. Why in the world did I think that committing to a 5 hour exercise schedule 5 days in a row would be possible? Am I insane? Surely, I am not normal. Normal people don’t spend their entire spring break working their butt off, but I did.

Spring break boot camp did not go as planned, obviously. I was not physically capable of doing that much activity daily. However, I still think that I was very successful. My skills on the ice have improved and I have lost a few pounds in just about 10 days.

So my original plan for spring break was an hour at the gym in the morning, then a one hour break, warm-up/off ice training for a half hour, ice time for three hours, go home nap and eat dinner, then get back to the gym for another hour of workout or yoga. That worked for about 1.5 days, by Tuesday afternoon I was already done with the whole gym and ice thing. My week looked a little more like this: wake up, yoga at home, breakfast, off-ice training for a half hour (stretching, jumping, running laps around the rink, and stairs on the stadium), ice time for 3 hours (4 on Friday) then nap, eat, sleep, and repeat. Still exhausting, just not as bad as I had originally intended.

One other goal of this week was to stick to my diet religiously. This worked pretty well throughout the week, I have pictures to prove it (haha!). I gave it up Friday at 8pm unfortunately. The last day of boot camp was by far the hardest day, I pushed myself like I’ve never pushed myself before. 4 hours of ice time total and a full hour of off ice training (half hour before each session). I was at the rink all day on Friday, I arrived at 9:15 and left at 5:15. I had brought snacks for the day, but I got home starving and was too tired to make anything to eat. I just barely made it to my bed before I crashed and slept until 8, when the decision was made to order pizza. Yes, I ordered pizza on health nut week. I needed a quick pick me up and it felt like the closest, easiest, and quickest option. Two slices later and I found myself in bed for the night. Exhaustion does not accurately describe how I was feeling.

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