Thursday, March 31, 2016

Landed My Waltz Jump!

I landed my waltz jump today! I cannot believe I landed my first jump! I’ve said this before and I am going to say it again. When I began skating, I thought I’d start jumping after a year or two. I’ve been on the ice for three months now and I’m learning to jump, and this is crazy to me!

If I’ve learned anything from this experience it’s that skating is all mental after basic skills. When I go into the waltz knowing that I am going to land it, I do, and when I’m shaky I don’t. Coach T and I spent a fair amount of time working on the waltz on Tuesday and just couldn’t bring myself to do it. Then during my private lesson on Thursday we went through more of the smaller pieces that go into the jump and I got it! The look on my face was priceless, according to my coach, and I honestly felt like I was going to start tearing up. But there wasn’t time, because my coach wanted me to do it again and again. When Coach T says “one more time” it really means we are going to continue doing it until I start flubbing it again.

My coach also started to show me a one foot spin, I think it might be a scratch spin but I am really not sure because we just went through a couple of the intro steps. I’m posting my first videos on the blog. Below you will see my waltz jump and a two foot spin (which I fell out of, but I tried my best!).

I can’t wait for spring break boot camp. I have three private lessons scheduled, so I am hoping I can learn some new skills and perfect some of the ones that I’ve been working on.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Spring Break Boot Camp!

Well, tomorrow is the day that my personal boot camp officially begins. In the next 10 days I will be on the ice for more than 20 hours and in the gym for at least another 10. Surely, I will be destroyed by the end of the week, if not broken.

When I decided not to travel over spring break, I did so with the intention of using my week off to push my skating to the next level. There are certain skills that I need to have down in order to really move forward, the first of them being crossovers. More than that, I just need to get myself more acquainted with the ice. I still have my random jerky moments with my arms flailing all over the place.

Boot camp is probably going to be the most physically exhausting week of my life to this day, but I know it will be worth it. After all I really want to pass my pre-bronze test! After my practice session on the ice yesterday I was talking to one of the regulars in the adult skating community to get some advice on what she wears for testing, but she told me that she hasn’t tested yet! She’s been on the ice for two years and still hasn’t tested….now I know she wants to, so why the wait? I guess I’m speeding things up by wanting to test so quickly, after all I’ve only been on the ice for three months.  But I know where I want to be in 3-4 years, adult nationals. I can picture it and I know with hard practice weeks, like the one I have coming up, I can achieve my goal.

I know I am shooting for the moon here, adult nationals are like the Olympics for kid least in my mind. But what difference does it make? Having goals like that should only push me forward. That is why I am working so hard. That is why I am going to push myself next week, like I’ve never pushed myself before.

Monday, March 28, 2016

Practice Sessions & More

Another incredible skating weekend under my belt, I skated for just over 3 hours on Friday and about 1.5 hours on Saturday. I feel like I am really getting the hang of these new boots, finally. I know I’ve been saying that for a few days now, but every time I put them on they feel a little better than the last time. I got off the ice both days feeling really great about my practice sessions without a coach present.

I worked a lot on skills that I’ve been taught in the last learn to skate session, nothing new besides the power 3’s (which are incredibly fun by the way, when people aren’t skating through my line). At this point I really can’t wait to get back on the ice for a real session with my coach. I want to start jumping! I want to land my waltz and I have a feeling it’s coming in the next couple weeks. I also really want to clean up at least half of the skills that I need for my pre-bronze test. I feel like I can do my forward stroking and forward consecutive edges comfortably, so I have about 4 more skills to nail down: backward consecutive edges, crossovers, waltz 8, and spiral or lunge.

I also wanted to mention the fact that I missed my skating-versary a few days ago, it’s been 3 months! I will update my progress report in just a couple days, though I didn’t learn as much this month as I have in the past - I know that I’ve come so far from where I began. Much of it was due to the fact that I was breaking in new skates, but now that they’ve molded to my feet hopefully I’ll jump right back on to the progress bandwagon.

**Side note: Coach C walked in on me totally jamming out, singing, and dancing on the ice when I had it all to myself on Friday morning (for a short period of time). I was a tad bit embarrassed but totally in my element, if anything it shows that I am ready to present myself on the ice, have no fear skater Gina is here.... argh I can't help myself, I just had to go there.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

You Know You're Excited When You Start Counting Down The Hours Until Class

It’s the last day of session two. I have been counting down the hours until class since yesterday evening at 22 hours. I’m down to about 7 hours now. The wait might actually be killing me. I am excited to show my coach the things I’ve been working on outside of class like my 3 turns, mohawks, and lunges. I haven’t done any of them in learn to skate, so this will be quite a surprise for coach C (who I’ve had serious discussions with about coaching me at the club level!)

I cannot accurately describe my excitement to get on the ice today. It cannot be compared to anything. Spring break is coming up and I’ll get to be on the ice everyday. So long as I don’t injure myself, I’ll be on the ice for at least 15 hours in 5 days. I’ll also be doing my own version of boot camp (details to come) when I’m off the ice, so it will be a challenging week physically.

My goal in spring break is to learn my test. I know the skills I need to perform and the only one I haven’t been introduced to is the crossovers in an 8 pattern. I know that if I spend an hour a day on my crossovers, I can have this down. I need some intense practice on ALL of the other skills too, but I know that after 15 hours on the ice I can get them to where they need to be. The test isn’t until one month after spring break anyways so I have time to perfect my moves.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

First Official Weigh In

It’s official. I’ve lost weight! To the people I see everyday, this comes as no surprise, but for some reason this is a shocker for me. I’ve been weighing myself on a semi-regular basis at home for a few months now and my weight hasn’t fluctuated very much, clearly my scale is not working at home.

Yesterday, I went to the doctor to get my knee checked out because it has been bothering me from the numerous falls (more about that later). I used the visit as an official weigh in day so that I can get an accurate reading of the weight I was in October to compare against my current weight. Drum roll please….! I’ve lost about 15 pounds, shout out to..... me! It probably doesn’t sound like much since it’s over such a long period of time, but I’ve gained a lot of muscle weight in these last few months.

I’m really excited and motivated by this as it is a confirmation of my hard work and commitment. I’ve been asked about my weight change several times over these last few months and I am pleased to say that I am motivated by my figure skating endeavors. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, it will be easier to “jump” if I’m lighter and stronger.

Over these last few months I’ve done a good job of slowly cutting the “crap” out of my diet. I’ve been taking pictures of several of my meals over the last few weeks and I’ll be sharing more details about my diet soon.

Now, back to the doctor’s appointment. I visited the doctor because I noticed that my knees started to make “clicking” noises when I bent them. This worried me because I thought something was torn, I've taken numerous falls on my knees at this point, who knows what's going on down there? I also feel a significant amount of pain when I am exercising/moving around a lot. I’ve confirmed that nothing is torn/broken, but I need to continue wearing the brace for extra support and I need to do some exercises to strengthen the muscles around my knees. Good times. I had a friend (in residency) check out my knee before this official visit and she told me I’d probably have to stay off the ice for a couple weeks, thankfully this is not the case. So, I can continue doing what I love: being on the ice <3

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Skating Weekend

What an incredible skating weekend! It was rough at first, but I ended on a high note and that’s what makes this experience worth it. On Wednesday, I attended my group class and it was awful with the new skates and I began to lose faith in my ability to continue with this sport. The pain was unbearable.

On Friday, I went to the rink and practically begged the director to let me skate on learn to skate “practice ice” and he said yes, thank God. I got on and skated for a while and again, it was unbearable. The whole losing faith thing, totally applicable here.

On Saturday I woke up with a renewed passion after waking up from a dream of me skating (this happens often now that it’s taken over my life). I texted my coach to see if she had time to do a lesson with me and she did, woot woot. I just needed a quick pick me up to get me used to the new blades.

We spent a half hour together on the ice (less than what we usually have unfortunately, but I couldn’t afford to do longer on a lesson like this). The entire time was “breaking in skates time” we did knee bend exercises the entire time. I took one really bad fall while doing my crossovers and fell on the same exact spot that I fell on last week, that was miserable. I’m so glad that I’m seeing my doctor tomorrow to check out my knee. After a few minutes of relaxation after that horrible fall, I got back on the ice and managed to get a little more breaking in done.

After my lesson Coach T came off the ice and requested to “play” with my shiny new skates. She then began to bend them in a few different ways. This made a world of difference for me as I got on the ice today to skate. There was still a little pain at times, but it was such a great practice session because I felt like I was getting my moves back. I worked on my  3 turns, consecutive edges, mohawks (I think I got them down!), lunges (nailed the new technique a couple times), stroking, slaloms (wide strides and short fast ones), 2 foot turns, waltz jump, and spins. I didn’t have any “bad” falls and my feet weren’t killing me by the end of it, so I’d say my practice was quite successful! 

I am pleased with the progress I’ve made in these new blades and I am very excited to start jumping and working on some more complicated moves in the field. Who knows, I might be testing a little earlier than I expected.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

So... This Is What Pain Feels Like?

I skated in my new skates and it was MISERABLE. Hello square one, how are you doing today? AHHHH I had no idea it would be THIS difficult. I thought maybe there would be a little pain here and there, but boy was I wrong!

So….that’s what pain feels like? Hmph. I digress. I walked into the rink on Wednesday with my head up high, walking in with my skating bag (and my brand new skates) like I owned the place. I was excited and somewhat nervous, but mostly excited. I started out by doing my normal warm up exercises: muscle stretches, jumping jacks, lunges, galloping (to the side), and jumps. I walked over to my bag to get my skates on for the very first time at the rink, it only took me a couple minutes to get them on as compared to the 15 minutes I spent to tie my old skates. That in itself was a success.

From the moment I stepped on to the ice I knew that it was going to be a challenge. The toe pick is way bigger than my older one, I was hitting it with just normal stroking. As I skated to the benches to put my stuff down I quickly realized that I would have a very difficult time stopping. Once I got to the benches I did the whole making snow thing to get my blades adjusted to the ice, those of you with new skates or newly sharpened blades, this is a must! It definitely made a difference as I continued.

It really was back to square one though, I basically wasted a class session. I worked on stroking, swizzles, half swizzle pumps, and one foot glides during practice time, and then two foot turns, crossovers, and spins during class.

My feet were aching THE ENTIRE time. Yet I managed to go home rest my feet a little and then got them back on again. I’ve been told by numerous people now that I need to walk around my house in the skates (and hard guards). So, I’ve been doing that for a few days now and they finally feel like they are setting in. Everytime I put them on they feel a tad more comfortable than the last time. Sometimes I warm up my socks before I put them on to mimick the heat molding experience, I figure this will speed up the process. I was told that some people put heat packs in the boots for a while then set their feet in, also to mimic the molding process. I’ll basically will try anything at this point that won’t ruin the boot. I can’t handle two weeks of no progress. It may just be the death of me.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

New Skates.... Finally!

Well ladies and gentlemen I finally made my way out to the Detroit Skating Club in Bloomfield Hills to pick up my skates. I had an incredible experience with Sue Jones at the Skate Shop within the skating rink.

After visiting her shop a couple weeks ago to try on some skates, I decided I would purchase a new pair in about a month after saving up some moola $$ But as you can see I couldn’t wait a whole month, so I decided to agree to babysit (which I haven’t done in almost a year now!) so that I could afford them.

On my second visit to the shop I came in with the notion that I would try on the used pair, and if they felt okay, I’d get them. But that just wasn’t the case, I even tried on the competitor again, the higher end boot that was way out of my price range and it still didn’t feel right. So I ended up going with the Jackson Freestyle that I had fallen in love with on my prior visit. At first I tried on the boot with the socks that I normally skate in but they were way too tight. And unfortunately they didn’t carry the boot in the C size and I’d have to wait for them to come in. So, naturally my patience was growing thin. I couldn’t wait to be in new skates and a tighter fit was clearly not going to stop me. Sue suggested I try on the boots with the nylons (that most female skaters skate in) so I did and they fit really well. Just snug enough!

After officially deciding on the boot, Sue and I discussed doing a heat mold to help me break in the boot. This was an excellent idea, the skates were in the “oven” for about 10 minutes and then she tied me up and they sat on my feet for about another 10 minutes. Next, she helped me take them off and said that she would be mounting the blade for me. Having zero experience in this field, I asked how long it would take thinking that it might be a week if she has to have someone come in to do it. But surprise surprise for me, it only took about 10 minutes!

My biggest fear going into this is probably the transition. These boots are like 10 steps up from my current skates, so I will likely die of pain in the coming days.

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Understanding Your Body

After being sore for 4 days last weekend, I’ve started to do some reading on nutrition and figure skating. I figure that I must be doing something wrong if I’m this sore after months of skating, even on my 3 hour days. I thought I could handle it by now, but it’s still hard. 

I also asked my close friend for some advice about healing my sore muscles. We had an interesting conversation about heating verses icing. I remember mentioning in a previous post that the ice pack and heating pads have become my best friends, but in a short period of time that has changed. You see every body is different and some heal much better with heat and ice, while others heal better with just one. 

Through this experience I’ve learned that using a heating pad is very comfortable in the time that I use it, but ultimately doesn’t help my muscles to feel better. Icing on the other hand is somewhat painful, especially at the beginning, but really helps my muscle soreness. One of the best things about skating is getting to know more about how your body functions. Learning how it heals and how it moves will ultimately transform the way I eat, sleep, and exercise on my way to a stronger me.

Saturday, March 12, 2016

My Unfortunate Reality (Private Lesson #4)

Well I’m not broken, yet, that’s the good thing. But I have reached a progress plateau. My 4th private lesson was yesterday and I was working hard, but my boots just weren’t working with me. I kept skidding on my consecutive edges and my ankles and feet were killing me while I was doing simple bunny hops. I just won’t have it any more. If I want to progress I need new skates. After my lesson I actually got off the ice and didn’t want to skate anymore (first time since I began, oh no!). I had fallen on my butt three times during practice, now usually I just stick through it but now that I’m seriously considering new skates I feel like I’m going to lose a lot of what I’m learning on my current boots.

And so I have officially decided to pick up my new pair of skates this week. After doing some extra work this weekend, I have made some more money and will shell out the $300 for the Jackson Freestyle Skate. While it is at a lower level than the Jackson Competitor, I remember it was a lot more comfortable for me.

Now, back to practice, we didn’t get through as much but I think it’s because we spent more time working on my 3 turns. I think I have the small 3 turns down, but when I move onto the larger circle they become a lot more difficult. Coach T and I worked on spins, bunny hops, swing rolls, lunges, and the waltz 8. After our session we discussed testing again and I learned that each rink has a testing session each month. So I very well may be testing before June. I imagine it will probably take another month or so for me to get the skills down. The only thing coach hasn’t showed me yet are my crossovers in an 8 pattern. My crossovers are still clunky but I know that if I keep up with practice I’ll get them down eventually. Afterall, I learned my backwards crossovers way faster than my forwards.

Friday, March 11, 2016

I'm Not Dying From The Pain!

Well ladies and gentlemen, the day has finally come! I was on the ice for three hours yesterday and this morning I didn’t wake up sore. Now, if you’ve been keeping up with my posts, then you probably know that on my three hour ice days I can barely move when I get home and I have trouble getting up on the following day. Last week I had a three hour day and my muscles were sore through the weekend. 

This is a huge accomplishment for me! I did a few things differently yesterday and I believe they greatly impacted my health following a difficult session. I drank a ton of water, I kept my body moving, I ate right after practice, and I went to a yoga class at night. 

A few days ago, I was reading up on figure skating nutrition and I learned a few new things. Not surprisingly, water was at the top of the list. In order for muscles to recover fully after a workout, you have you hydrate, a lot! Yesterday, I drank 64 oz of water in the time between my practice and bedtime. The second thing I did differently was kept my body moving. Usually after these practice sessions all I want to do is sleep and while this was still true yesterday, I kept myself from napping. But mostly because I had to get to my second job. There I walked, jumped, jogged, and stretched with the kids on the playground. Despite my lack of energy I kept it up and felt like I wasn’t dying, so that was a good sign! On the nutrition site, they also mentioned that eating was very important right after a session. So I packed myself a healthy snack and ate on my way home. It consisted of low-fat string cheese (1), almonds (10), triscuit wheat thins (15), and a small bag of carrots. When I got home I was still hungry so I had yogurt and a piece of wheat bread with crunchy peanut butter.  The last thing that I believe made the biggest change for me today was the yoga. 

I attended my first yoga class at my gym. I have never before done yoga in a class like this. Now on to the experience itself, it was meh. I felt lost for a quarter of the time. I was tired. I had to keep looking around to get clues from other people, and it was really humid in the room (on purpose). Following this learning experience, I felt amazing. My body was restored, my muscles felt “fresh” and once again - I didn’t feel like death! 

I went home, ate a salad, and was passed out by 9:45. I slept really well, like really really well and woke up feeling refreshed and ready to take on another day. I am so happy that I made this progress because I feel like my body is ready to get back on the ice for another long session today.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

3rd Private Lesson

Today I had my third private lesson. I still can’t believe that I am taking private lessons! I warmed up a lot today by running around the ice a few times and doing the stairs in the bleachers. I also stretched and did some off ice jumps.

The lesson was good, we went through a lot of things that we started in our previous session like lunges, spirals, and 3 turns. We went through some new things like backwards slaloms, power 3’s, and the waltz 8. While I am glad that we started some new things, I am really pleased with my progress on the backwards crossovers. I worked really hard on them after our session so I can’t wait to show them to Coach T tomorrow.

After the session, I continued skating during public free skate and worked on a lot of the elements that we worked on during the lesson. Unfortunately for me, I may have went to hard because I took a few difficult falls. I fell on my hips numerous times, I fell on my butt a couple times, and I can’t even count the number of times I fell on my knees. All learning experiences right? Instead of being scared now, I just go for it and a lot of the time that means falling. Olympic skaters fall, it’s a part of the sport. I’ll get over it one of these days.

I am really looking forward to my next session with Coach T tomorrow, I hope I don’t get stuck at work for the second half of the day. I am going to try my best to get out as fast as I can so I can get some practice ice time before the make up class. And following that, I can get some one on one time with coach! Woot Woot!

**OHH I forgot to mention what happened during public ice time today! A girl (about my age) came up to me to ask how I do that thing where I bend down, so I said, “like a lunge?” So, I told her, a few times actually, that I was still learning and probably shouldn’t be giving a lot of advice, but I proceeded to show and explain to her what I knew. From this experience, I just can’t believe that someone came to me for advice, as if I looked like I knew what I was doing. Ya’ll know I’m excited by this!**

Warm up
Crossovers (forward and backward)
2 Foot Turns
3 Turns
Consecutive Edges (inside and outside)
One Foot Glides
Slaloms (forward and backward)
Waltz Jump
Swizzles Crosses (forgot actual name)
Power 3's ( I think that's what they're called, one foot slaloms)
Waltz 8

Monday, March 7, 2016

First Skate Fitting

I had my first skate fitting today! I was super excited for it, maybe a little too excited because it wasn’t really what I thought it would be. I guess I went in thinking it would be this great horah event, but it was a skate fitting, haha!

The skate shop I went to is inside an ice arena, specifically the one that Meryl Davis and Charlie White trained at...the Detroit Skating Academy! I couldn’t help but think that the same women who fitted me also probably fitted them for their skates! I walked the same floors, soon to be skated the same ice...blah blah blah. Nestled in a fairly large arena is a very small skate shop.

In the 35 minutes that I was in the shop, I believe I tried on at least 6 or 7 boots. Sue helped me put each pair on, which I felt bad about, but I guess it’s her thing. She ties and puts each pair on to help me figure out the best boot for my foot.

In the end I walked out with three potential pairs. My coach had suggested Riedell or the Jackson equivalent of the Motion 255, Edge 229, or Flair. Riedell boots are a lot more expensive and are made for narrower feet, so they were pretty much out of the question for me. The three skates that fit the best were the Jackson Elle (Used 6.5), Jackson Competitor (6B), and the Jackson Freestyle (6B). I felt that the competitor probably had the most support, but they were the most expensive, the freestyle were the most comfortable but had less support. The Jackson Elle fit fairly well, but are scuffed and definitely felt used...because they are.

Time to weigh in on the pros and cons:

Jackson Elle - cheapest option (used), probably a good idea to drop $150 instead of $300-$400 on the first boot. Only single jumps.

Jackson Competitor- most expensive option, will last a couple years, can be heat molded to fit my foot better. Single and doubles. $360

Jackson Freestyle- most comfortable of the choices, will last a couple years, can be heat molded to fit my foot better. Single and beginner doubles. $310

Right now I’m thinking that I will probably try the Jackson Elle on the ice first to get a feel of it. I forgot to mention that all of these boots were super chunky compared to the recreational skates that I am using now. I’m pretty sure any transition to competitive boots is going to suck for me at first. After feeling out the Jackson Elle’s I will reconsider the new boots. Ultimately it’s going to probably be between the Elle and the Freestyle, but if I can manage to drop the $$ on the competitor I will do it since it has the most support. Such a difficult decision to make!! Any suggestions are welcome!

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Unscheduled Private Lesson #2

I got really lucky again this week and had a half day at work, even left a half hour earlier than I usually do, so skating! I headed to the rink knowing that there’s an adult class on Friday mornings that I could catch if I got there fast enough.

Sure enough I made it to the rink with time to stretch, change, and get my skates on. Coach T was teaching this lesson, which is awesome because she is my favorite, haha! During class I showed her the mohawks that I had been working on, only I found out they weren’t exactly mohawks because I was doing them on two feet. She showed me the proper way to do them on one foot, then helped me do them the right way. Then looked at me and said, “your turn”. Now, I just want to take a moment here to describe my experiences with Coach T thus far, she shows me what I’ll be working on, I blankly stare at her thinking there’s no way I can do that. She guides me through the move, I do it with her a few times. Then, she says, “your turn” and I blankly stare in fear and hysteria. HAhA, you want me to do THAT on my own? Good one.

So, I tried the mohawk on my own and didn’t die. Sure there were a few close calls, but I did it! As with any move I learn, it needs work, but I am so glad I learned the proper way to do it! In the last couple minutes of class I worked on spins with one of the other women in class. I am still using my toe pick to hold my left foot in place, but besides that I can get into my spin about half the time. Coach T came over and said to turn it into a one foot spin (start on a two foot spin and lift right leg). So again, I stared at her blankly thinking, really? She knows what I am thinking and pushes me to do what she’s asked anyways. And that my friends is why I love her.

Having a coach on the ice with you is great, they push you to do things you don’t want to do or you don’t think you can do. I don’t think she’s ever proven me wrong though, I have never hurt myself trying something new - yet. So, I trust her.

After class I asked Coach T if she had any time to come out on the open skate with me for a lesson. She had time! Woohoo! It was a great one hour lesson - unscheduled private lesson number 2! I learned several new skills so I have a lot to practice on my next open ice! During a break I also showed Coach T my new binder! I started a journal last week to write down notes during practice, but the binder thing, that is new. It has all the adult and basic skills curricula in protective sheets. I also included the pre-bronze competition sheets to reference. She wants me to compete and I have decided that I want to compete..officially. The next competition that I can attend (that isn’t too far) is in June. Look out other adult skaters, I am here to stay!

Total ice time: 3.5 hours. So naturally, death and destruction. Everything hurts, I need to ice. I need to stretch. And I need heat pad like 5 minutes ago. I’ll learn my lesson one of these days. So far this week I have had more than 8 hours on the ice! Not sure if I’ll be this lucky next week, but I am going to try for at least 5 hours. My official - planned - private lesson is Thursday! I bet you can guess how excited I am on a scale of 1-10. That’s right, 20 :)

  1. Class: Warm-up stroking, crossovers, mohawks, spins.
  2. Inside and outside consecutive edges. Switch feet, one pump only down the line. Shoot for 6-8.
  3. Backwards crossovers, body straight - not leaning forward.
  4. Lunges, two feet first, make sure leg isn’t behind you.
  5. Spirals, stretch on wall first. Make sure arms are out, chest up and head up, strong core.
  6. 3 turns, turn stomach, stay strong, weight on toes.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Half Way Through Session 2!

Today I had the third lesson in session two which means I am already half way through! I got on the ice an hour before my scheduled practice time, I absolutely love the girls that are on the ice at that time because they always let me on early. I learn so much more when I’m acclimated with the ice before lessons. I began with simple stroking and moved on to one foot glides and swizzles. Then started to work on stopping again, I really need to get that down because my habit of turning to stop is silly. 

During class we began with stroking, then worked on crossovers for a little. I am really glad that I didn’t work on them the entire time like I feel like I have been these last two weeks. Next Coach C took about half of us on the circle to teach us how to do a two foot turn. Now, technically I already know how to do this, but she showed me a different way to make it a little more challenging. After we worked on that for a bit she moved everyone back on the circle to begin learning Mohawks! I didn’t think I’d be learning this skill for a while since it’s listed as an Adult 6 lesson on the US Figure Skating Curriculum. 

Coach C showed us what the first part of it looked like, make a T on the circle (right foot in), push out so boots like like a spread eagle then bring it back to the circle. I had that down very quickly, I was astonished! With only a few minutes to spare coach came over and said I had it down and that I was ready for the second step. She also said I would have it down by the end of class, that’s in 4 minutes, but okay! I like a challenge! Do step one, then instead of keeping my body weight on my right leg I shift all my weight to the left leg and lift my right leg up. After trying it a few times I had it! I am really looking forward to working on this new skill at my next open skate practice session. Right now I have that scheduled for Saturday night, but if I don’t get an afternoon job tomorrow I will be heading to the rink! Get excited!

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Meet My Two Best Friends

Constant soreness in this sport is an understatement. So the ice pack and heating pad have become my new best friends. After icing last night, I finally woke up without feeling sore, even after being on the ice for two hours.

It’s pretty embarrassing to be a young adult groaning after getting up from a seat due to the pain. This is what comes from putting that much resistance on my legs. If I put my hands on my knees and bend them I can feel ligaments/tendons rubbing against each other - I may want to consider having this checked out.

There is always a bruise on my body. It’s been two months now and I don’t think I’ve gone a day on the ice without a new bruise. My body doesn’t even bruise very easily. This is just a wicked sport (I dare you to argue that this isn’t a sport).

I am getting calluses on my fingers from tying my boots just right and indents on the lower half on my calf from jumping. Did I mention that I am sore ALL the time?

Yet I am loving this! I come off the ice with satisfaction that I’ve never felt before. Sure, there are days when I am disappointed about my time on the ice or not being able to successfully learn a new move. But ultimately, this experience is transforming me physically and mentally. That is why I love it. It’s almost like it’s showing me a better me.

First Official Progress Report

I am pretty sure the women in my class and maybe even my coach think I am a little crazy. I just think I am super organized, committed, and motivated. I took the time to google the US Figure Skating adult curriculum so that I can track my progress, I even began comparing the adult curriculum to the children’s basic curriculum. From now on I think I am going to try paying more attention to my progress in a systematic way like this. I know that I am just starting so I’ve learned a lot and I am aware that it’s going to start slowing down at some point. There’s no way that I am going at this much speed for much longer. The exercises are going to get harder and will take more practice. Nevertheless, I am going to post an official update every 1-2 months using the curriculum guide to note what I’ve learned and what I want to learn in the coming months.

I showed it to my coach at the last lesson and she confirmed that I knew these skills, she even questioned a few that I had circled because she thought I already knew them. I love that she also looked at what I want to learn. By checking this out she knows that I am serious about skating, but more importantly she knows what I want to focus on for the remainder of the session!

I really can't wait to see where I am at in a month, you know that is if I am still in one piece!

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