I landed my waltz jump today! I cannot believe I landed my first jump! I’ve said this before and I am going to say it again. When I began skating, I thought I’d start jumping after a year or two. I’ve been on the ice for three months now and I’m learning to jump, and this is crazy to me!
If I’ve learned anything from this experience it’s that skating is all mental after basic skills. When I go into the waltz knowing that I am going to land it, I do, and when I’m shaky I don’t. Coach T and I spent a fair amount of time working on the waltz on Tuesday and just couldn’t bring myself to do it. Then during my private lesson on Thursday we went through more of the smaller pieces that go into the jump and I got it! The look on my face was priceless, according to my coach, and I honestly felt like I was going to start tearing up. But there wasn’t time, because my coach wanted me to do it again and again. When Coach T says “one more time” it really means we are going to continue doing it until I start flubbing it again.
My coach also started to show me a one foot spin, I think it might be a scratch spin but I am really not sure because we just went through a couple of the intro steps. I’m posting my first videos on the blog. Below you will see my waltz jump and a two foot spin (which I fell out of, but I tried my best!).
I can’t wait for spring break boot camp. I have three private lessons scheduled, so I am hoping I can learn some new skills and perfect some of the ones that I’ve been working on.