Thursday, March 17, 2016

So... This Is What Pain Feels Like?

I skated in my new skates and it was MISERABLE. Hello square one, how are you doing today? AHHHH I had no idea it would be THIS difficult. I thought maybe there would be a little pain here and there, but boy was I wrong!

So….that’s what pain feels like? Hmph. I digress. I walked into the rink on Wednesday with my head up high, walking in with my skating bag (and my brand new skates) like I owned the place. I was excited and somewhat nervous, but mostly excited. I started out by doing my normal warm up exercises: muscle stretches, jumping jacks, lunges, galloping (to the side), and jumps. I walked over to my bag to get my skates on for the very first time at the rink, it only took me a couple minutes to get them on as compared to the 15 minutes I spent to tie my old skates. That in itself was a success.

From the moment I stepped on to the ice I knew that it was going to be a challenge. The toe pick is way bigger than my older one, I was hitting it with just normal stroking. As I skated to the benches to put my stuff down I quickly realized that I would have a very difficult time stopping. Once I got to the benches I did the whole making snow thing to get my blades adjusted to the ice, those of you with new skates or newly sharpened blades, this is a must! It definitely made a difference as I continued.

It really was back to square one though, I basically wasted a class session. I worked on stroking, swizzles, half swizzle pumps, and one foot glides during practice time, and then two foot turns, crossovers, and spins during class.

My feet were aching THE ENTIRE time. Yet I managed to go home rest my feet a little and then got them back on again. I’ve been told by numerous people now that I need to walk around my house in the skates (and hard guards). So, I’ve been doing that for a few days now and they finally feel like they are setting in. Everytime I put them on they feel a tad more comfortable than the last time. Sometimes I warm up my socks before I put them on to mimick the heat molding experience, I figure this will speed up the process. I was told that some people put heat packs in the boots for a while then set their feet in, also to mimic the molding process. I’ll basically will try anything at this point that won’t ruin the boot. I can’t handle two weeks of no progress. It may just be the death of me.

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