I can’t believe I haven’t posted in a month. Since school got out for summer I’ve basically lived at the rink. Between skating and working, I am here at least 40 hours every week. It’s been great, but I’m in bed most nights by 8 or 9pm. I get up early to prepare for skating or work and on non-skating days I work then head to physical therapy.
My moves are definitely improving and my coaches can see it, Coach T recommended I test in July, so in just a few weeks I will be testing my pre-bronze moves. I’m obviously hoping for a pass, but if I don’t, I can retake it in August. I am most worried about my left foot outside 3 turn in my waltz 8 and the second spiral in the pattern. Everything else is passable - barely. I’ve only been skating for about 6 months, so I know I’m ahead of the norm.
I have printed goal sheets in two week increments this summer, but I have already attained most of the goals from week 1 so right now I am just working harder on those moves. My summer goals? What a joke! Those included being fearless when learning the salchow and half-flip (done), improving on my crossovers (in the process of), less hammering/pre-rotating on the toe loop (done), learn a scratch spin from backwards crossovers (done), and back 3’s. The one thing on my list that I haven’t yet attempted are the back 3’s. But realistically, I need some new goals. Unfortunately, I don’t even know what’s up next on my “things to learn” because my coaches both don’t go in order of the USFS curriculum guides. So I wait. And wait. And wait some more, until they introduce me to some new skills.
I already find myself bored during my open skate practices, I want something new to really challenge me. I want one of my coaches to introduce it so that I don’t practice it incorrectly over and over. Hopefully, I’ll have something more interesting as week 3 rolls around. For now, happy skating!